Strength and Conditioning
Your 12 week Strength and Conditioning Programme
The programme involves and initial in-person, clinic based one to one 90 minute session with our coach to discuss your personal goals, injury history, current exercise and to perform a biomechanical assessment. Beyond this appointment you will be sent a strength and conditioning programme tailored towards you and your goals, and your package includes a once monthly video check-in session (one at 4 weeks and one at 8 weeks) with your coach and email support.
Please note that beyond your initial consultation, you will need access to equipment that is required for your strength and conditioning programme, which typically includes dumbbells and kettlebells, but your plan will take into account your access to equipment.
Who is it for?
Our 12 week strength and conditioning programme suitable for beginners and intermediate level - designed for athletes who want to begin incorporating strength work into their training but don't know where to begin.
Depending on what you need, the plan may include strength work specifically or include mobility work - likely both. It might work as a continuation from rehab if you're coming back from injury or serve to help you get stronger. This will all be tailored around your current training block or upcoming goals and guided in conjunction with the training you're already carrying out and how much time you have available to dedicate to the training.